Healing Services
Overview of Services
Essentially, the work we do is performed on an energetic level since imbalances or blockages (or “knots”) in and around our energy fields are at the root of all issues.
- All the Healing Ceremonies described here can be done in person as well as at a distance (interconnectedly). If done at a distance, the ones with the following symbol beside them require that the client receive the session over the telephone since it involves interaction. We have a free long distance plan for Quebec residents only.
We can come to you as well ($ 0.50/km + $ 20.00/hour for travelling time). It is also possible for us to visit with groups of people (ex. companies, organizations, etc…) and offer individual healing sessions on location. Please contact us to find out about our group discounts. - Note that Ceremonies with this symbol
- Celles avec l’icône can also be performed on animals, either in proximity or at a distance.
Working interconnectedly at a distance is totally safe, and yields the same benefits to all dimensions of the body as are received in a Ceremony performed by us in person.
What to expect during a session
A session generally lasts between one and two hours. This includes talking with the client, tracking the source of the issue, deciding on what type of healing work to do, explaining and performing the Ceremony and then processing with the client.
Booking a session
If you would like more information on any of the services provided, or would like to schedule a session, please go the page «Contact» or into the «About us» section to contact Philippe or Manon.
Description of Ceremonies
Entity Extraction & Illumination
There are three types of entities : 1- Unconscious Entities which our subconscious and Acquired Mind create as defense mechanisms to help us deal with painful situations (i.e.: to replace a lost love, or family member). When extracted, they go back to Mother Earth in the form of heavy energy being released, then transformed. 2- Intrusive Entities which locate themselves at the base of the spine. 3- Lower World Entities, located in one of our personal Medecine Wheels, their place of power in the Lower World. Those Entities are discovered during a Gathering Ceremony (also called Soul Retieval in some traditions). All Entities are parasitic and unhealthy to their host, as they go against the Law of Nature. They have not yet crossed over and have attached themselves to us. They look for and need the energy they have lost when they left their own physical body. It is the only way for them to stay in what the Algonquin people call the Middle World (our physical world). Lodged in the spine, they influence their host’s behavior and thought patterns. They can be extracted, released, purified, healed and sent to the Upper World to be at peace.
In the case of those specific entities, the Ceremony accomplishes a noble double service. It not only frees the client of the influence of this parasidic life force, but it heals the Entity as well. The entity is guided into a sacred Shamanic stone and set aside while the client then receives a cleansing Ceremony to heal the issue and affinity they had with the entity. This is called Illumination and it insures that the client will never attract an other entity of this type again. The client is encouraged to honor the teachings of this entity and honor its life as it is entrusted to the Ancestors to be brought to the Upper World.
*** As best practice, Shamans will always test a client for entities before performing any other Ceremony since the entity may diminish the effectiveness of other treatments until it is extracted. If the client has an entity, it will therefore need to be extracted during the first session before any other healing work can be done.
***Entity extractions are very beneficial for people such as massage therapists, osteopaths, hair dressers, psychologists, doctors, Reiki masters, or anyone working in close proximity with clients because, without proprer protection, entities can easily jump from one host to another.
Stonework and Chakra cleansing/rebalancing
Emotional or physical afflictions are merely symptoms of imprints in the body’s luminous energy field which disappear once a person’s energy centers (or chakras or medecine wheels) have been cleared and rebalanced so that energy can flow freely through them. The Shaman’s Sacred Stones have the power to absorb toxic or heavy energy from our chakras when they have become clogged and to return it to Mother Earth to be purified and transformed. A clogged chakra can be compared to a dam in a river which prevents the free flow of the water or, in this case, the flow of energy. This Ceremony is meant to unblock the affected chakra(s) and clear out the impurities that cause the malfunction. This process helps the client to come to terms with and heal the physical or emotional repercussion of the initial imbalance.
This Ceremony can be performed by itself but it can also be incorporated in all other Ceremonies. This is because it is an essential part of the healing which needs to take place at the energetic level since this is where all issues begin.
Formlessness to Form Journey
This Ceremony is used as a tool for the Shaman to bring forth information hidden away by the client’s Acquired Mind (or defense mechanisms) to find an issue’s emotional component. It is recommended when the client has a symptom (ex.: a disease, insomnia, obsessiveness, compulsiveness, etc) but cannot determine what emotion is hidden behind it and thus cannot release it and be free from it. The Shaman will guide the client on a journey into their Self to discover not only the underlying emotion behind the symptoms but also the original event that may have led to this specific repressed emotion. Once the core of the issue has been discovered, it becomes easy to clear its symptoms by eliminating the root. This specific Ceremony can bring clients to re-live long lost emotions they mistakenly thought they had come to terms with so a true healing process can take place.
Inner Body Journey
Similar to the Formlessness to Form Journey, this Ceremony takes you inside your body. Guided by the Shaman, you may be surprised by what you might find inside of yourself. This journey enables the client to go back to the root of the issue being treated and to remove, once and for all, the symptoms and undesired behaviour patters associated with the original emotional and energetic blockage.
Crystallized Energy Extractions
Sometimes, when energy blockages have been trapped inside someone for a very long time, they can actually become crystallized into semi-solid energy “chunks”. Very much like an accumulation of debris which might block the flow of water. The purpose of this Ceremony is to locate, break down and then extract these accumulated masses of crystallized energy so the healthy flow of energy can be re-established within and around the body.
Cedar, Tobacco and Sucking Extractions
These are three different ways of extracting impurities in the luminous energy field which have repercussions in people as either deep negative emotions, physical illness or both. Cedar and sucking extractions are very powerful and may be used on people with very old, deep-rooted issues. Tobacco extractions are gentler and may be used on young children or on people who desire a less intense yet still effective healing Ceremony.
Soul Gathering Journey
Each person has what are called “Original Wounds”. Traumas coming either from their current life or previous ones, that has led them to send a divine part of their soul away to the Lower World to protect it. During this Ceremony, the Shaman guides the client to the Under World where, under the protection of the Shaman and the Gatekeeper, they will go to:
- discover and heal the original wound
- erase a wounded, negative agreement the person made with themselves in reaction to this wound
- create a new, positive, life-affirming agreement to replace the old wounded one
- reclaim the divine part of their soul that had been hidden away
- discover and reconnect with the Power Animal Totem related to this wound and ask for its guidance to heal it
- reconnect with and reclaim the power of their own healing energy
- integrate a healed outcome for their issue
This is a very powerful Ceremony that brings people to deep, life-changing discoveries. It is said that the benefits of just a few sessions may surpass those of many years of psychotherapy.
Power Totem Animal Retrieval
This Ceremony takes you down into the Lower World. Guided by the Shaman, you will be taken to meet and connect with your Spiritual Power Animal Totem, the one you have been feeling in times of need, listening to when you needed guidance, the one that has always been there for you and the one who will always be there for you. He is one of your important Guides in this world and his wisdom can help you in all aspects of your life.
Power Retrieval Journey
Similar to the Soul Gathering Journey, this Ceremony lets you recall all the personal power you have lost over many lifetimes. It recharges all levels of your being and greatly enhances your personal healing power.
Physical Healing Ceremony
During this Ceremony, the Shaman uses all his knowledge to heal your energetic body by using different techniques according to your specific needs. He will journey on your behalf into your secret garden, will meet your personal Guardian who will allow him, if you are ready for this Ceremony, to operate deep and lasting changes by working directly on your energetic body.
Interdimensional Journey
The purpose of this Ceremony is to meet with Healed Aspects of one’s Self which exist and evolve in parallel dimensions. Going to meet our Healed Aspects for various issues, asking them for guidance and merging with them on an energetic and spiritual level is a profoundly healing experience.
Removal of Bindings
Bindings are the energetic remnants left in our bodies as a result of the sorcery that was done to us intentionally or unintentionally by others. Similar to litteral, physical bindings or shackles, these energetic remnants block the flow of energy and prevent healing. Sorcery is, in short, any abuse of power and negativity against others or even against ourselves.
This Ceremony can be performed by itself but it can also be incorporated in all other Ceremonies. This is because it is an essential part of the healing which needs to take place at the energetic level since this is where all issues begin.
Healing the Inner Sorcerer Journey
This journey is meant to heal all the abuse and negativity we have directed towards ourselves throughout our lives. It will also clear the accumulation of self-imposed negative and toxic energies inside ourselves.
Dark Forest Journey
The purpose of this Ceremony is to put an end to and undo conscious or unconscious, professional or amateur sorcery that is being or has been directed towards someone.
Craddle of Life Ceremony
This Ceremony brings deep healing on many levels. It is excellent for strong resistance to healing, energetic stagnation, clearing of energetic blockages and chronic diseases such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, etc. It centers around the healing of the womb, which is the craddle of life and our energetic center. Sage, cedar, tobacco and stones are used in this purification Ceremony.
Egg Extractions
In this Ceremony, an egg is used to draw toxins and heavy energies left by sorcery in the body.
Palo Santo Extractions
Similar to the Egg Extraction Ceremony in the sense that it is destined to clear traces left in the body by sorcery, this ceremony removes energetic scar tissue from the body and may be combined with other ceremonies or with smudging.
Cleansing of Spaces
This Ceremony is used to clear any space of heavy or parasitic energies (ex: poltergeists, etc.). The Shaman opens Sacred Space in the space the client wishes to get cleansed and performs a purification Ceremony to release the energetic entities out of the space and into the Upper World. Other services, such as cleansing of mirrors or various objects, as well as getting rid of dark blades or death blades for clients are also available.
Seven Bands of Protection
These bands are Medecine Wheels of Protection which can be given to clients as a powerful and effective physical and energetic protection.
Death of the False Self Ceremony
This Ceremony, unique in the world, is used by the Shaman to separate a client’s False Self from his or her Authentic Self. The energetic cords binding the two together are severed and the False Self is sent through the Upper World to be healed and purified. The Authentic Self is then energetically rebalanced and its affinities for the False Self are healed.
Meeting your Spirit Guide and Meeting your Ancestor Journeys
In these two separate Ceremonies,you will journey with the Shaman to the Upper World to meet and connect with your Spirit Guide or one of your Ancestors and to receive the messages and teachings they have for you.
Journey to Heal the Story that lives inside of us
In this Ceremony, you will journey to the Upper World to meet and connect with your Spirit Guide and with your Authentic Self. You will then be given the opportunity to Heal the oldest story that has been living inside of you (fears, wounds, etc.) and to release it along with any affinities you may have for it. This is a very intense and a profoundly healing Ceremony and is recommended only after having experienced a sufficient number of Shamanic Ceremonies in preparation for this Journey.
Other Ceremonies (please contact us for more information)
Some of the other Ceremonies we offer include: Pre-Death Rites, Death Rites, Surrogate Death Rites, Chakra and Aura repair, Butterfly Sequences (incorporated in other Ceremonies or alone) and the Shaman’s Sacred Plant Energy Medecine.
Over the phone, I did an inner-body journey, I enjoyed it very much. The journey permitted me to discover and heal a blockage I had since age 25. It help me have a better self estime.
I am happy to have participated to this session, I hope I have a chance to work with Phil, he is a good and generous man!
Thank you Phil for what you have brought me.
So far, I have received 3 successful shamanic healing sessions. I entered the experience with an open mind and heart, and it has been a phenomenal experience for me! The amazing thing with shamanic healing is that it is continuous, one feels the effects days and even weeks after … and the transformation that takes place is permanent. I am re-discovering and healing myself at the same time — believe it or not, so are my loved ones! Energy is contagious!
When I lost my sister, who was my best friend, I was devastated. I could not think of my sister without crying a lot, it was putting me upside down each time. Shaman Quebecois did a Chakra cleasing and rebalancing at a distance (inter-connectedly), and we talk about the results for 15 min over the phone, I feel completely free from the sadness. Now, when I think about my sister, I remember the good times we had together, and I don’t cry anymore. Thank you.
It was a pleasure and an honour to be able to work with you Phil. Please feel free to use my words on your beautiful website.
Thank you for doing this work around me.
You have found some major stuff here that had been buried very deep and safely tucked away. Thank you, Thank you for helping me with this.
I am overwhelmed by what you have uncovered and will need a few days to digest this, every bit of the work you have done connects with each other.
These ages 20-29-49-39-50 they all connect with each other. Thank you for choosing to honor your path. One I can see you are meant to be on.
Thank you so much for doing this ceremony. I am truly grateful. I look forward to seeing you soon. I hope you are both well. Cheers and hugs
You hit it right on for age 25. My heart was broken and locked. You hit it right on for age 42, (too personal to say). I have done a lot of work on myself prior to working with you so it is a wonder that you have picked these ages, since they are major issues and I had not addressed them until the session with you. From my heart to yours, I say thank you.
During my session, I felt better right from the start. I discovered aspects of myself and of my past which I could not have found alone. I was liberated from the traumas which had blocked my chakras and since that moment I am doing much better than before. Also, I had an entity in me and when it left my body I did not feel the difference right away. However, after a few days I started feeling lighter and my mood improved. To me this experience was one of the most beautiful and profound ones in my life and I came out of it stronger than ever. Many thanks for allowing me to live this and for having helped me to heal many wounds in just one session. I would love to come back soon for another session and I also know people who want to meet you.
Book a session
Telephone: 819.268.6185 (If leaving a vocal message, please specify if you wish to book a session with Phil).
Email: voieducercle@gmail.com
Telephone: 819.268.6185 (Note: At the moment, Manon is only offering services over the telephone or sessions for animals)
Email: voieducercle@gmail.com
The way of the circle does not offer medical or psychological consultation.
Please consult your doctor or mental health professional for those services.
Healing Services
Overview of Services
Essentially, the work we do is performed on an energetic level since imbalances or blockages (or “knots”) in and around our energy fields are at the root of all issues.
- All the Healing Ceremonies described here can be done in person as well as at a distance (interconnectedly). If done at a distance, the ones with the following symbol beside them require that the client receive the session over the telephone since it involves interaction. We have a free long distance plan for Quebec residents only.
We can come to you as well ($ 0.50/km + $ 20.00/hour for travelling time). It is also possible for us to visit with groups of people (ex. companies, organizations, etc…) and offer individual healing sessions on location. Please contact us to find out about our group discounts. - Note that Ceremonies with this symbol
- Celles avec l’icône can also be performed on animals, either in proximity or at a distance.
Working interconnectedly at a distance is totally safe, and yields the same benefits to all dimensions of the body as are received in a Ceremony performed by us in person.
What to expect during a session
A session generally lasts between one and two hours. This includes talking with the client, tracking the source of the issue, deciding on what type of healing work to do, explaining and performing the Ceremony and then processing with the client.
Booking a session
If you would like more information on any of the services provided, or would like to schedule a session, please go the page «Contact» or into the «About us» section to contact Philippe or Manon.
Description of Ceremonies
Entity Extraction & Illumination
There are three types of entities : 1- Unconscious Entities which our subconscious and Acquired Mind create as defense mechanisms to help us deal with painful situations (i.e.: to replace a lost love, or family member). When extracted, they go back to Mother Earth in the form of heavy energy being released, then transformed. 2- Intrusive Entities which locate themselves at the base of the spine. 3- Lower World Entities, located in one of our personal Medecine Wheels, their place of power in the Lower World. Those Entities are discovered during a Gathering Ceremony (also called Soul Retieval in some traditions). All Entities are parasitic and unhealthy to their host, as they go against the Law of Nature. They have not yet crossed over and have attached themselves to us. They look for and need the energy they have lost when they left their own physical body. It is the only way for them to stay in what the Algonquin people call the Middle World (our physical world). Lodged in the spine, they influence their host’s behavior and thought patterns. They can be extracted, released, purified, healed and sent to the Upper World to be at peace.
In the case of those specific entities, the Ceremony accomplishes a noble double service. It not only frees the client of the influence of this parasidic life force, but it heals the Entity as well. The entity is guided into a sacred Shamanic stone and set aside while the client then receives a cleansing Ceremony to heal the issue and affinity they had with the entity. This is called Illumination and it insures that the client will never attract an other entity of this type again. The client is encouraged to honor the teachings of this entity and honor its life as it is entrusted to the Ancestors to be brought to the Upper World.
*** As best practice, Shamans will always test a client for entities before performing any other Ceremony since the entity may diminish the effectiveness of other treatments until it is extracted. If the client has an entity, it will therefore need to be extracted during the first session before any other healing work can be done.
***Entity extractions are very beneficial for people such as massage therapists, osteopaths, hair dressers, psychologists, doctors, Reiki masters, or anyone working in close proximity with clients because, without proprer protection, entities can easily jump from one host to another.
Stonework and Chakra cleansing/rebalancing
Emotional or physical afflictions are merely symptoms of imprints in the body’s luminous energy field which disappear once a person’s energy centers (or chakras or medecine wheels) have been cleared and rebalanced so that energy can flow freely through them. The Shaman’s Sacred Stones have the power to absorb toxic or heavy energy from our chakras when they have become clogged and to return it to Mother Earth to be purified and transformed. A clogged chakra can be compared to a dam in a river which prevents the free flow of the water or, in this case, the flow of energy. This Ceremony is meant to unblock the affected chakra(s) and clear out the impurities that cause the malfunction. This process helps the client to come to terms with and heal the physical or emotional repercussion of the initial imbalance.
This Ceremony can be performed by itself but it can also be incorporated in all other Ceremonies. This is because it is an essential part of the healing which needs to take place at the energetic level since this is where all issues begin.
Formlessness to Form Journey
This Ceremony is used as a tool for the Shaman to bring forth information hidden away by the client’s Acquired Mind (or defense mechanisms) to find an issue’s emotional component. It is recommended when the client has a symptom (ex.: a disease, insomnia, obsessiveness, compulsiveness, etc) but cannot determine what emotion is hidden behind it and thus cannot release it and be free from it. The Shaman will guide the client on a journey into their Self to discover not only the underlying emotion behind the symptoms but also the original event that may have led to this specific repressed emotion. Once the core of the issue has been discovered, it becomes easy to clear its symptoms by eliminating the root. This specific Ceremony can bring clients to re-live long lost emotions they mistakenly thought they had come to terms with so a true healing process can take place.
Inner Body Journey
Similar to the Formlessness to Form Journey, this Ceremony takes you inside your body. Guided by the Shaman, you may be surprised by what you might find inside of yourself. This journey enables the client to go back to the root of the issue being treated and to remove, once and for all, the symptoms and undesired behaviour patters associated with the original emotional and energetic blockage.
Crystallized Energy Extractions
Sometimes, when energy blockages have been trapped inside someone for a very long time, they can actually become crystallized into semi-solid energy “chunks”. Very much like an accumulation of debris which might block the flow of water. The purpose of this Ceremony is to locate, break down and then extract these accumulated masses of crystallized energy so the healthy flow of energy can be re-established within and around the body.
Cedar, Tobacco and Sucking Extractions
These are three different ways of extracting impurities in the luminous energy field which have repercussions in people as either deep negative emotions, physical illness or both. Cedar and sucking extractions are very powerful and may be used on people with very old, deep-rooted issues. Tobacco extractions are gentler and may be used on young children or on people who desire a less intense yet still effective healing Ceremony.
Soul Gathering Journey
Each person has what are called “Original Wounds”. Traumas coming either from their current life or previous ones, that has led them to send a divine part of their soul away to the Lower World to protect it. During this Ceremony, the Shaman guides the client to the Under World where, under the protection of the Shaman and the Gatekeeper, they will go to:
- discover and heal the original wound
- erase a wounded, negative agreement the person made with themselves in reaction to this wound
- create a new, positive, life-affirming agreement to replace the old wounded one
- reclaim the divine part of their soul that had been hidden away
- discover and reconnect with the Power Animal Totem related to this wound and ask for its guidance to heal it
- reconnect with and reclaim the power of their own healing energy
- integrate a healed outcome for their issue
This is a very powerful Ceremony that brings people to deep, life-changing discoveries. It is said that the benefits of just a few sessions may surpass those of many years of psychotherapy.
Power Totem Animal Retrieval
This Ceremony takes you down into the Lower World. Guided by the Shaman, you will be taken to meet and connect with your Spiritual Power Animal Totem, the one you have been feeling in times of need, listening to when you needed guidance, the one that has always been there for you and the one who will always be there for you. He is one of your important Guides in this world and his wisdom can help you in all aspects of your life.
Power Retrieval Journey
Similar to the Soul Gathering Journey, this Ceremony lets you recall all the personal power you have lost over many lifetimes. It recharges all levels of your being and greatly enhances your personal healing power.
Physical Healing Ceremony
During this Ceremony, the Shaman uses all his knowledge to heal your energetic body by using different techniques according to your specific needs. He will journey on your behalf into your secret garden, will meet your personal Guardian who will allow him, if you are ready for this Ceremony, to operate deep and lasting changes by working directly on your energetic body.
Interdimensional Journey
The purpose of this Ceremony is to meet with Healed Aspects of one’s Self which exist and evolve in parallel dimensions. Going to meet our Healed Aspects for various issues, asking them for guidance and merging with them on an energetic and spiritual level is a profoundly healing experience.
Removal of Bindings
Bindings are the energetic remnants left in our bodies as a result of the sorcery that was done to us intentionally or unintentionally by others. Similar to litteral, physical bindings or shackles, these energetic remnants block the flow of energy and prevent healing. Sorcery is, in short, any abuse of power and negativity against others or even against ourselves.
This Ceremony can be performed by itself but it can also be incorporated in all other Ceremonies. This is because it is an essential part of the healing which needs to take place at the energetic level since this is where all issues begin.
Healing the Inner Sorcerer Journey
This journey is meant to heal all the abuse and negativity we have directed towards ourselves throughout our lives. It will also clear the accumulation of self-imposed negative and toxic energies inside ourselves.
Dark Forest Journey
The purpose of this Ceremony is to put an end to and undo conscious or unconscious, professional or amateur sorcery that is being or has been directed towards someone.
Craddle of Life Ceremony
This Ceremony brings deep healing on many levels. It is excellent for strong resistance to healing, energetic stagnation, clearing of energetic blockages and chronic diseases such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, etc. It centers around the healing of the womb, which is the craddle of life and our energetic center. Sage, cedar, tobacco and stones are used in this purification Ceremony.
Egg Extractions
In this Ceremony, an egg is used to draw toxins and heavy energies left by sorcery in the body.
Palo Santo Extractions
Similar to the Egg Extraction Ceremony in the sense that it is destined to clear traces left in the body by sorcery, this ceremony removes energetic scar tissue from the body and may be combined with other ceremonies or with smudging.
Cleansing of Spaces
This Ceremony is used to clear any space of heavy or parasitic energies (ex: poltergeists, etc.). The Shaman opens Sacred Space in the space the client wishes to get cleansed and performs a purification Ceremony to release the energetic entities out of the space and into the Upper World. Other services, such as cleansing of mirrors or various objects, as well as getting rid of dark blades or death blades for clients are also available.
Seven Bands of Protection
These bands are Medecine Wheels of Protection which can be given to clients as a powerful and effective physical and energetic protection.
Death of the False Self Ceremony
This Ceremony, unique in the world, is used by the Shaman to separate a client’s False Self from his or her Authentic Self. The energetic cords binding the two together are severed and the False Self is sent through the Upper World to be healed and purified. The Authentic Self is then energetically rebalanced and its affinities for the False Self are healed.
Meeting your Spirit Guide and Meeting your Ancestor Journeys
In these two separate Ceremonies,you will journey with the Shaman to the Upper World to meet and connect with your Spirit Guide or one of your Ancestors and to receive the messages and teachings they have for you.
Journey to Heal the Story that lives inside of us
In this Ceremony, you will journey to the Upper World to meet and connect with your Spirit Guide and with your Authentic Self. You will then be given the opportunity to Heal the oldest story that has been living inside of you (fears, wounds, etc.) and to release it along with any affinities you may have for it. This is a very intense and a profoundly healing Ceremony and is recommended only after having experienced a sufficient number of Shamanic Ceremonies in preparation for this Journey.
Other Ceremonies (please contact us for more information)
Some of the other Ceremonies we offer include: Pre-Death Rites, Death Rites, Surrogate Death Rites, Chakra and Aura repair, Butterfly Sequences (incorporated in other Ceremonies or alone) and the Shaman’s Sacred Plant Energy Medecine.
Over the phone, I did an inner-body journey, I enjoyed it very much. The journey permitted me to discover and heal a blockage I had since age 25. It help me have a better self estime.
I am happy to have participated to this session, I hope I have a chance to work with Phil, he is a good and generous man!
Thank you Phil for what you have brought me.
So far, I have received 3 successful shamanic healing sessions. I entered the experience with an open mind and heart, and it has been a phenomenal experience for me! The amazing thing with shamanic healing is that it is continuous, one feels the effects days and even weeks after … and the transformation that takes place is permanent. I am re-discovering and healing myself at the same time — believe it or not, so are my loved ones! Energy is contagious!
When I lost my sister, who was my best friend, I was devastated. I could not think of my sister without crying a lot, it was putting me upside down each time. Shaman Quebecois did a Chakra cleasing and rebalancing at a distance (inter-connectedly), and we talk about the results for 15 min over the phone, I feel completely free from the sadness. Now, when I think about my sister, I remember the good times we had together, and I don’t cry anymore. Thank you.
It was a pleasure and an honour to be able to work with you Phil. Please feel free to use my words on your beautiful website.
Thank you for doing this work around me.
You have found some major stuff here that had been buried very deep and safely tucked away. Thank you, Thank you for helping me with this.
I am overwhelmed by what you have uncovered and will need a few days to digest this, every bit of the work you have done connects with each other.
These ages 20-29-49-39-50 they all connect with each other. Thank you for choosing to honor your path. One I can see you are meant to be on.
Thank you so much for doing this ceremony. I am truly grateful. I look forward to seeing you soon. I hope you are both well. Cheers and hugs
You hit it right on for age 25. My heart was broken and locked. You hit it right on for age 42, (too personal to say). I have done a lot of work on myself prior to working with you so it is a wonder that you have picked these ages, since they are major issues and I had not addressed them until the session with you. From my heart to yours, I say thank you.
During my session, I felt better right from the start. I discovered aspects of myself and of my past which I could not have found alone. I was liberated from the traumas which had blocked my chakras and since that moment I am doing much better than before. Also, I had an entity in me and when it left my body I did not feel the difference right away. However, after a few days I started feeling lighter and my mood improved. To me this experience was one of the most beautiful and profound ones in my life and I came out of it stronger than ever. Many thanks for allowing me to live this and for having helped me to heal many wounds in just one session. I would love to come back soon for another session and I also know people who want to meet you.
Book a session
Telephone: 819.268.6185 (If leaving a vocal message, please specify if you wish to book a session with Phil).
Email: voieducercle@gmail.com
Telephone: 819.268.6185 (Note: At the moment, Manon is only offering services over the telephone or sessions for animals)
Email: voieducercle@gmail.com
La voie du cercle n’offre pas de consultations médicales ou psychologiques.
Veuillez consulter votre médecin ou un professionnel de la santé mentale pour ces services.
Healing Services
Overview of Services
Essentially, the work we do is performed on an energetic level since imbalances or blockages (or “knots”) in and around our energy fields are at the root of all issues.- All the Healing Ceremonies described here can be done in person as well as at a distance (interconnectedly). If done at a distance, the ones with the following symbol beside them require that the client receive the session over the telephone since it involves interaction. We have a free long distance plan for Quebec residents only. We can come to you as well ($ 0.50/km + $ 20.00/hour for travelling time). It is also possible for us to visit with groups of people (ex. companies, organizations, etc…) and offer individual healing sessions on location. Please contact us to find out about our group discounts.
- Note that Ceremonies with this symbol
- Celles avec l’icône can also be performed on animals, either in proximity or at a distance.
What to expect during a session
A session generally lasts between one and two hours. This includes talking with the client, tracking the source of the issue, deciding on what type of healing work to do, explaining and performing the Ceremony and then processing with the client. Booking a session If you would like more information on any of the services provided, or would like to schedule a session, please go the page «Contact» or into the «About us» section to contact Philippe or Manon.Description of Ceremonies
Entity Extraction & Illumination
There are three types of entities : 1- Unconscious Entities which our subconscious and Acquired Mind create as defense mechanisms to help us deal with painful situations (i.e.: to replace a lost love, or family member). When extracted, they go back to Mother Earth in the form of heavy energy being released, then transformed. 2- Intrusive Entities which locate themselves at the base of the spine. 3- Lower World Entities, located in one of our personal Medecine Wheels, their place of power in the Lower World. Those Entities are discovered during a Gathering Ceremony (also called Soul Retieval in some traditions). All Entities are parasitic and unhealthy to their host, as they go against the Law of Nature. They have not yet crossed over and have attached themselves to us. They look for and need the energy they have lost when they left their own physical body. It is the only way for them to stay in what the Algonquin people call the Middle World (our physical world). Lodged in the spine, they influence their host’s behavior and thought patterns. They can be extracted, released, purified, healed and sent to the Upper World to be at peace.
In the case of those specific entities, the Ceremony accomplishes a noble double service. It not only frees the client of the influence of this parasidic life force, but it heals the Entity as well. The entity is guided into a sacred Shamanic stone and set aside while the client then receives a cleansing Ceremony to heal the issue and affinity they had with the entity. This is called Illumination and it insures that the client will never attract an other entity of this type again. The client is encouraged to honor the teachings of this entity and honor its life as it is entrusted to the Ancestors to be brought to the Upper World.
*** As best practice, Shamans will always test a client for entities before performing any other Ceremony since the entity may diminish the effectiveness of other treatments until it is extracted. If the client has an entity, it will therefore need to be extracted during the first session before any other healing work can be done.
***Entity extractions are very beneficial for people such as massage therapists, osteopaths, hair dressers, psychologists, doctors, Reiki masters, or anyone working in close proximity with clients because, without proprer protection, entities can easily jump from one host to another.
Stonework and Chakra cleansing/rebalancing
Emotional or physical afflictions are merely symptoms of imprints in the body’s luminous energy field which disappear once a person’s energy centers (or chakras or medecine wheels) have been cleared and rebalanced so that energy can flow freely through them. The Shaman’s Sacred Stones have the power to absorb toxic or heavy energy from our chakras when they have become clogged and to return it to Mother Earth to be purified and transformed. A clogged chakra can be compared to a dam in a river which prevents the free flow of the water or, in this case, the flow of energy. This Ceremony is meant to unblock the affected chakra(s) and clear out the impurities that cause the malfunction. This process helps the client to come to terms with and heal the physical or emotional repercussion of the initial imbalance.
This Ceremony can be performed by itself but it can also be incorporated in all other Ceremonies. This is because it is an essential part of the healing which needs to take place at the energetic level since this is where all issues begin.
Formlessness to Form Journey
This Ceremony is used as a tool for the Shaman to bring forth information hidden away by the client’s Acquired Mind (or defense mechanisms) to find an issue’s emotional component. It is recommended when the client has a symptom (ex.: a disease, insomnia, obsessiveness, compulsiveness, etc) but cannot determine what emotion is hidden behind it and thus cannot release it and be free from it. The Shaman will guide the client on a journey into their Self to discover not only the underlying emotion behind the symptoms but also the original event that may have led to this specific repressed emotion. Once the core of the issue has been discovered, it becomes easy to clear its symptoms by eliminating the root. This specific Ceremony can bring clients to re-live long lost emotions they mistakenly thought they had come to terms with so a true healing process can take place.
Inner Body Journey
Similar to the Formlessness to Form Journey, this Ceremony takes you inside your body. Guided by the Shaman, you may be surprised by what you might find inside of yourself. This journey enables the client to go back to the root of the issue being treated and to remove, once and for all, the symptoms and undesired behaviour patters associated with the original emotional and energetic blockage.
Crystallized Energy Extractions
Sometimes, when energy blockages have been trapped inside someone for a very long time, they can actually become crystallized into semi-solid energy “chunks”. Very much like an accumulation of debris which might block the flow of water. The purpose of this Ceremony is to locate, break down and then extract these accumulated masses of crystallized energy so the healthy flow of energy can be re-established within and around the body.
Cedar, Tobacco and Sucking Extractions
These are three different ways of extracting impurities in the luminous energy field which have repercussions in people as either deep negative emotions, physical illness or both. Cedar and sucking extractions are very powerful and may be used on people with very old, deep-rooted issues. Tobacco extractions are gentler and may be used on young children or on people who desire a less intense yet still effective healing Ceremony.
Soul Gathering Journey
Each person has what are called “Original Wounds”. Traumas coming either from their current life or previous ones, that has led them to send a divine part of their soul away to the Lower World to protect it. During this Ceremony, the Shaman guides the client to the Under World where, under the protection of the Shaman and the Gatekeeper, they will go to:
- discover and heal the original wound
- erase a wounded, negative agreement the person made with themselves in reaction to this wound
- create a new, positive, life-affirming agreement to replace the old wounded one
- reclaim the divine part of their soul that had been hidden away
- discover and reconnect with the Power Animal Totem related to this wound and ask for its guidance to heal it
- reconnect with and reclaim the power of their own healing energy
- integrate a healed outcome for their issue
This is a very powerful Ceremony that brings people to deep, life-changing discoveries. It is said that the benefits of just a few sessions may surpass those of many years of psychotherapy.
Power Totem Animal Retrieval
This Ceremony takes you down into the Lower World. Guided by the Shaman, you will be taken to meet and connect with your Spiritual Power Animal Totem, the one you have been feeling in times of need, listening to when you needed guidance, the one that has always been there for you and the one who will always be there for you. He is one of your important Guides in this world and his wisdom can help you in all aspects of your life.
Power Retrieval Journey
Similar to the Soul Gathering Journey, this Ceremony lets you recall all the personal power you have lost over many lifetimes. It recharges all levels of your being and greatly enhances your personal healing power.
Physical Healing Ceremony
During this Ceremony, the Shaman uses all his knowledge to heal your energetic body by using different techniques according to your specific needs. He will journey on your behalf into your secret garden, will meet your personal Guardian who will allow him, if you are ready for this Ceremony, to operate deep and lasting changes by working directly on your energetic body.
Interdimensional Journey
The purpose of this Ceremony is to meet with Healed Aspects of one’s Self which exist and evolve in parallel dimensions. Going to meet our Healed Aspects for various issues, asking them for guidance and merging with them on an energetic and spiritual level is a profoundly healing experience.
Removal of Bindings
Bindings are the energetic remnants left in our bodies as a result of the sorcery that was done to us intentionally or unintentionally by others. Similar to litteral, physical bindings or shackles, these energetic remnants block the flow of energy and prevent healing. Sorcery is, in short, any abuse of power and negativity against others or even against ourselves.
This Ceremony can be performed by itself but it can also be incorporated in all other Ceremonies. This is because it is an essential part of the healing which needs to take place at the energetic level since this is where all issues begin.
Healing the Inner Sorcerer Journey
This journey is meant to heal all the abuse and negativity we have directed towards ourselves throughout our lives. It will also clear the accumulation of self-imposed negative and toxic energies inside ourselves.
Dark Forest Journey
The purpose of this Ceremony is to put an end to and undo conscious or unconscious, professional or amateur sorcery that is being or has been directed towards someone.
Craddle of Life Ceremony
This Ceremony brings deep healing on many levels. It is excellent for strong resistance to healing, energetic stagnation, clearing of energetic blockages and chronic diseases such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, etc. It centers around the healing of the womb, which is the craddle of life and our energetic center. Sage, cedar, tobacco and stones are used in this purification Ceremony.
Egg Extractions
In this Ceremony, an egg is used to draw toxins and heavy energies left by sorcery in the body.
Palo Santo Extractions
Similar to the Egg Extraction Ceremony in the sense that it is destined to clear traces left in the body by sorcery, this ceremony removes energetic scar tissue from the body and may be combined with other ceremonies or with smudging.
Cleansing of Spaces
This Ceremony is used to clear any space of heavy or parasitic energies (ex: poltergeists, etc.). The Shaman opens Sacred Space in the space the client wishes to get cleansed and performs a purification Ceremony to release the energetic entities out of the space and into the Upper World. Other services, such as cleansing of mirrors or various objects, as well as getting rid of dark blades or death blades for clients are also available.
Seven Bands of Protection
These bands are Medecine Wheels of Protection which can be given to clients as a powerful and effective physical and energetic protection.
Death of the False Self Ceremony
This Ceremony, unique in the world, is used by the Shaman to separate a client’s False Self from his or her Authentic Self. The energetic cords binding the two together are severed and the False Self is sent through the Upper World to be healed and purified. The Authentic Self is then energetically rebalanced and its affinities for the False Self are healed.
Meeting your Spirit Guide and Meeting your Ancestor Journeys
In these two separate Ceremonies,you will journey with the Shaman to the Upper World to meet and connect with your Spirit Guide or one of your Ancestors and to receive the messages and teachings they have for you.
Journey to Heal the Story that lives inside of us
In this Ceremony, you will journey to the Upper World to meet and connect with your Spirit Guide and with your Authentic Self. You will then be given the opportunity to Heal the oldest story that has been living inside of you (fears, wounds, etc.) and to release it along with any affinities you may have for it. This is a very intense and a profoundly healing Ceremony and is recommended only after having experienced a sufficient number of Shamanic Ceremonies in preparation for this Journey.
Other Ceremonies (please contact us for more information)
Some of the other Ceremonies we offer include: Pre-Death Rites, Death Rites, Surrogate Death Rites, Chakra and Aura repair, Butterfly Sequences (incorporated in other Ceremonies or alone) and the Shaman’s Sacred Plant Energy Medecine.
Over the phone, I did an inner-body journey, I enjoyed it very much. The journey permitted me to discover and heal a blockage I had since age 25. It help me have a better self estime.
I am happy to have participated to this session, I hope I have a chance to work with Phil, he is a good and generous man!
Thank you Phil for what you have brought me.
So far, I have received 3 successful shamanic healing sessions. I entered the experience with an open mind and heart, and it has been a phenomenal experience for me! The amazing thing with shamanic healing is that it is continuous, one feels the effects days and even weeks after … and the transformation that takes place is permanent. I am re-discovering and healing myself at the same time — believe it or not, so are my loved ones! Energy is contagious!
When I lost my sister, who was my best friend, I was devastated. I could not think of my sister without crying a lot, it was putting me upside down each time. Shaman Quebecois did a Chakra cleasing and rebalancing at a distance (inter-connectedly), and we talk about the results for 15 min over the phone, I feel completely free from the sadness. Now, when I think about my sister, I remember the good times we had together, and I don’t cry anymore. Thank you.
It was a pleasure and an honour to be able to work with you Phil. Please feel free to use my words on your beautiful website.
Thank you for doing this work around me.
You have found some major stuff here that had been buried very deep and safely tucked away. Thank you, Thank you for helping me with this.
I am overwhelmed by what you have uncovered and will need a few days to digest this, every bit of the work you have done connects with each other.
These ages 20-29-49-39-50 they all connect with each other. Thank you for choosing to honor your path. One I can see you are meant to be on.
Thank you so much for doing this ceremony. I am truly grateful. I look forward to seeing you soon. I hope you are both well. Cheers and hugs
You hit it right on for age 25. My heart was broken and locked. You hit it right on for age 42, (too personal to say). I have done a lot of work on myself prior to working with you so it is a wonder that you have picked these ages, since they are major issues and I had not addressed them until the session with you. From my heart to yours, I say thank you.
During my session, I felt better right from the start. I discovered aspects of myself and of my past which I could not have found alone. I was liberated from the traumas which had blocked my chakras and since that moment I am doing much better than before. Also, I had an entity in me and when it left my body I did not feel the difference right away. However, after a few days I started feeling lighter and my mood improved. To me this experience was one of the most beautiful and profound ones in my life and I came out of it stronger than ever. Many thanks for allowing me to live this and for having helped me to heal many wounds in just one session. I would love to come back soon for another session and I also know people who want to meet you.
Book a session
Telephone: 819.268.6185 (If leaving a vocal message, please specify if you wish to book a session with Phil).
Email: voieducercle@gmail.com
Telephone: 819.268.6185 (Note: At the moment, Manon is only offering services over the telephone or sessions for animals)
Email: voieducercle@gmail.com
La voie du cercle n’offre pas de consultations médicales ou psychologiques.
Veuillez consulter votre médecin ou un professionnel de la santé mentale pour ces services.